1. Umbra: The Alluvium Project | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
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An Email would be sent out by an anonymous user known as Umbra. The Email would be considered spam, but it had a lot more for those who dared look. The email would contain a link to something on the 'Umbra Website'. The link seemed like it might install a virus, but to the surprise of those who...
2. Alluvium - Technical Overview
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The first thing you need to run an Alluvium station is a playlist. This is a simple file in the Alluvium playlist format, which is based on the RSS 1.0 news format. All of the RSS tags used are standard tags from existing schemas and which retain their intended semantics. Radio station playlists and RSS newsfeeds are really quite similar. They both specify a sequence of content of possible interest to the audience. One interesting side project to do would be creating audio and video weblogs and news stations which are created by aggregating multimedia feeds about particular topics. For the moment, however, we're working on simple music and voice broadcast. You can generate an Alluvium playlist file easily from a normal music play playlist file using the playlist generation tool.
3. Allusive RP 2.0 - Server Bazaar - Cfx.re Community
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Allusive Roleplay 2.0 | August 10th 2024 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕧𝕖 ℝ𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪 ► We’re wiping for a whole new 2.0 release coming on August 10th 2024. Want to see what we have in store? - See the video below! ► Join our Discord to apply for allowlist! ► Check out our website for rules, forms, etc. Come check us out~ An inclusive community driven FiveM server. We strive for quality RP and are always looking for talented live-streamers & RPers! - Civilians, business owners, police officers, emergency...
4. RustEZ Base/House Design Contest. - Survival PVE
Oct 24, 2017 · We're a Rust community of servers who dedicate our time and resources to providing the best performance and gameplay possible.
Starting Day 1 (Thursday Nov. 2 2017) after wipe, players will have 7 days (Ending Thursday Nov. 9 2017 12:00am EST) to design, build and furnish a base or house to be entered into the RustEZ Best Base/House Design Contest. One entry per server (Pure PvE/Survival PvE only) RULES: 1. Paintings/sig...
5. Same + Next Day Painted Icons - The RP Repository
Jun 10, 2023 · Be sure to grab the "Alluvial Commissions" role to get pinged for openings! https://discord.gg/alluvial. You are on: Forums » Art ...
June 10, 2023 5:06pm
6. [PDF] VideoXpert Enterprise v 3.11 System Design Guide - Pelco
Secondary servers replicate the primary server's database asynchronously. ... Due to the operation of PIM-SM, placement of the RP can be a critical decision in ...
7. [PDF] Page 1 of 440 - City of Escalon
5 days ago · ... players signed up. This is an increase from 263 players in 2023 ... Servers/Server_10745808/File/Government/Departments/Dev elopment ...
8. Groundwater Sustainability Plan - SGMA Portal - CA.gov
WMS Server URL, GEI Table JSON URL, ESRI JSON URL, GeoJSON URL, TopoJSON URL. Add ... Ground-Water Geology and Hydrology of the Kern River Alluvial-Fan Area, ...
In 2014, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed three bills known collectively as the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). For the first time in its history, California had a framework for sustainable, groundwater management - "management and use of groundwater in a manner that can be maintained during the planning and implementation horizon without causing undesirable results."
9. [PDF] Automated Remote Cameras for Monitoring Alluvial Sandbars on the ...
server and these images are made publically available in a map-based viewing application ... Ross, R.P., and Grams, P.E., 2015, Long-term monitoring of ...
10. Field Testing Near-IR and Neutron Spectrometer Prospecting
... RP, new operational approaches are required to carry out real ... NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server. Search. more_vert. Collections About News ...
While we know there are volatiles sequestered at the poles of the Moon, the detailed 3-D distribution, abundance, and physical and chemical form are largely unknown. The next giant leap, Resource Prospector (RP), will use landed assets to fully characterize the volatile composition and distribution at scales of tens to hundreds of meters. To achieve this range of scales, mobility is required. Near real-time operation of surface assets is desirable, with a concept of operations very different from that of rovers on Mars. For RP, new operational approaches are required to carry out real-time robotic exploration. The Mojave Volatiles Project (MVP) is a Moon- Mars Analog Mission Activities (MMAMA) program effort aimed at (1) determining effective approaches to operating a real-time but short-duration lunar surface robotic mission, and (2) performing prospecting science in a natural setting, as a test of these approaches. Here we describe some results from the first such test, carried out in the Mojave Desert between 16 and 24 October, 2014. The test site was an alluvial fan just E of the Soda Mountains, SW of Baker, California. This site contains desert pavements, ranging from the late Pleistocene to early-Holocene in age. These pavements are dissected by the ongoing development of washes. A principal objective was to determine the hydration state of different types of desert pavement and bare ground features. The mobility element of the test was the KREX-2 rover, designed and op...
11. [PDF] US 2 Rest Area Siting Study
Along Fisher River and Pleasant. Valley Fisher River (RP 56 to RP 64) mixed alluvium occurs. ... server.asp, last accessed August 23, 2017. MTNHP. (n.d.) ...
12. Stage-specific dynamic reorganization of genome topology shapes ... - NCBI
Dec 3, 2023 · g:Profiler: a web server for functional enrichment analysis and conversions of gene lists (2019 update). Nucleic Acids Res. 47, W191–W198 ...
We have generated a high-resolution Hi-C map of developing human retinal organoids to elucidate spatiotemporal dynamics of genomic architecture and its relationship with gene expression patterns. We demonstrate progressive stage-specific alterations ...